What is “vascular dementia”?

About 10% to 20% of cognitive impairments are a result of vascular dementia, also called “stroke dementia.”

Vascular dementia arises when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted by a blood clot or from bleeding in the brain (for instance, after hitting one’s head during a fall). Vascular dementia can come on suddenly, from a stroke. Or gradually over time (from “TIAs” or “ministrokes”).

A stroke doesn’t always result in dementia. Think of it like a power outage in different neighborhoods of the brain. A stroke can affect movement, speech, vision, thought, and/or language, depending on where the “outage” occurred and how long it lasted.

Vascular dementia may include changes to memory, logical thinking, emotional stability (depression or sudden bouts of crying), and/or unusual behaviors. Because repeated strokes and ministrokes can happen any time, the decline of vascular dementia is less predictable than that of Alzheimer’s, and can be more unsettling.

Risks and prevention. People at high risk for vascular dementia are those with conditions that affect the cardiovascular system: High blood pressure, atrial fibrillation, high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle. Addressing these factors helps reduce the likelihood of vascular dementia starting or worsening.

A full medical evaluation will identify which parts of the brain are struggling. This may reveal steps to stop or slow further progression.

Catch a stroke early. If a stroke is caught within the first three hours, the chances of recovery are much improved. Think “F-A-S-T”: Face: Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop? Arms: Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward? Speech: Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence. Is their speech slurred or difficult to understand? Time: Call 911 for an ambulance if you see any of these signs.

Is your relative at risk for a stroke?
As the San Francisco experts in family caregiving, we at Compassionate Community Care help many families dealing with vascular dementia and the aftereffects of a stroke. You don’t have to do this alone. Give us a call at (415) 921-5038.

Talking with Dad about his hearing loss

Hearing loss affects 50% of people over age eighty-five, most commonly men.

Poor hearing diminishes quality of life. It may bring on frustration in daily interactions with others. It can even be at the root of withdrawal from social activities, depression, anxiety, paranoia, and memory issues.

Even so, many elders deny they have problems with hearing or don’t seem to want to deal with it. One common reason is stigma. They may feel that people with hearing loss are stereotyped as older, less capable, and dull. (Who wants to join that club?) Not admitting the problem helps maintain needed self-esteem.

If you suspect your family member has hearing loss:

  • Learn if they think there is a problem. Explore gently. “You’ve gotten very quiet at family dinners. Has something changed?” See if your relative is disturbed about times they haven’t heard something and have been confused or frustrated afterwards.
  • Is there something that is actively bothersome for them? If there’s something they like but feel thwarted in doing—hearing the conversation in a restaurant, understanding the audio in a movie—this could be a motivator for action.
  • Learn what they know about solutions. If your loved one identifies problems with hearing, explore the topic of solutions. See what reasons are given for not taking action.
  • Acknowledge their concerns. Don’t discount what might appear to be vanity. Instead, talk about how small hearing aides have gotten. Also about the drop in price with new over-the-counter versions.
  • Identify others with hearing loss. Give examples of people your relative knows and respects who have addressed their hearing loss. Perhaps your family member would feel comfortable contacting them for tips and lessons learned.
  • Recommend an exam by a doctor. Fixing the problem may not require hearing aids. Hearing loss could be from a buildup of earwax. Or a medication side effect. Seeing the doctor could be the first step to a solution.

Frustrated about your loved one’s resistance?
A full 20% to 25% of people who need hearing aids don’t want to use them. As the San Francisco experts in family caregiving, we at Compassionate Community Care can help you learn how to address the problem in a way that is most likely to plant the seed. Give us a call at (415) 921-5038. Let’s start the conversation.

Home visits are in!

If the person you care for needs therapy or other medical services but has trouble getting out, house calls are a great solution. Historically, Medicare has had strict rules for home-based services and how “homebound” a patient must be for the services to be covered. It also limits the number of visits per week or the number of weeks allowed for care at home. In addition, the rules typically require a certain level of improvement in the patient for services to continue. Some of these rules are loosening. It’s worth checking. If you find Medicare won’t cover a service, you may have the option to pay privately. A Care Manager can help you find a provider.

Physicians. If your relative is frail and you don’t want the drive or the wait in the doctor’s office, consider finding a primary doctor who has arranged with Medicare to make house calls. Check out the American Academy of Home Care Medicine.

Rehabilitation therapists. Hiring privately allows for more visits per week or for a longer time period if your loved one’s progress is slow. This can mean the difference between a full versus a partial recovery. Or even better quality of life, with your relative retaining as much functioning as possible even if they aren’t “improving.” 

  • Physical therapists help with exercises to improve movement and relieve pain. 
  • Occupational therapists identify exercises and “adaptive technology” to make it easier to perform daily tasks of living. 
  • Speech pathologists suggest exercises and techniques for swallowing and speech problems. They also teach strategies to offset logical thinking problems due to dementia. 

Psychotherapists. Is your loved one reticent to seek counseling? Home visits can feel more like a friendly chat. Your relative may feel safer and more in control on their home turf. Plus, house calls also allow for more privacy if they have concerns about stigma—no one will see them walking into a counselor’s office. Ask the therapist whether Medicare will cover home visits. 

Check for quality. There are fewer guardrails on quality for home-based providers. Ask for references and always ask if they are licensed or board certified. Get their license number and look it up to see if there have been complaints or suits against them. If they can’t give you a license number, you might want to think twice. 

Are you looking for house call services?

As the San Francisco experts in family caregiving, we at Compassionate Community Care understand that sometimes it’s just too hard to bring your loved one to an office or clinic setting. Luckily, innovators are coming up with new options to provide these services at home. Let us help you with resources for your caregiving. Give us a call at (415) 921-5038. You don’t have to do this alone.

Adaptive clothing

If you have dressed a relative with dementia or assisted a family member with Parkinson’s, you know there are challenges involved. Dressing requires physical coordination, fine-motor skills, flexible joints, and range of motion. Not being able to dress oneself is both frustrating and embarrassing. Fortunately, clothes designers have developed garments with important adaptations. 

Adaptive clothing typically incorporates these features:

  • Easy closures. Look for snaps, hook-and-loop fasteners, Velcro, or magnets. (Avoid magnets if your loved one has a pacemaker.)
  • Pull-over shirts or dresses that have no closures. With broader necklines and loose sleeves, there is no need to fuss with buttons or zippers. These garments do, however, require the ability to lift one’s arms above one’s head.
  • Elastic waistbands. No zipper or belt. The easy on and off is especially helpful when incontinence is involved. Elastic is also forgiving of fluctuations in weight.
  • Opening down the back or sides. These garments are particularly useful when incontinence and mobility are issues. They have a significant overlap of fabric at the openings. They give you greater access as the caregiver while preserving your family member’s modesty by keeping their front covered.

Other qualities to keep in mind

  • Bright colors for greater visibility. If your relative has dementia and tends to wander off, bright colors make it easier to spot them. 
  • Soft materials and flat or minimal seams for sensitive skin. Avoid wool or other scratchy fabrics if the person you care for has delicate skin. Also steer clear of polyester because this fabric can develop a static charge and give off a painful, unexpected spark.
  • For bras, look for front-closure or pull-on styles.
  • For shoes, look for slip-ons, extra wide sizes, and no laces. 

Help preserve your loved one’s dignity by getting them clothes that support their independence. Google “adaptive clothing” to find online vendors. 

Looking to boost self-esteem and independence?

As the San Francisco experts in family caregiving, we at Compassionate Community Care know how difficult it can be to help an aging relative get dressed. You don’t have to go through this frustration alone. We have resources and strategies to help. Give us a call at (415) 921-5038.

What is “inflammaging”?

Chronic inflammation is like the body (your “house”) catching fire. We have all dealt with acute inflammation. It comes with injury, such as a sprained ankle. Or infection, such as staph, bronchitis, etc. Inflammation is a sign that the body’s defenses are rushing in. In the normal course of events, healing occurs and the immune system stands down.

With age, our immune system becomes less effective. It overproduces cytokines and other inflammatory cells. If it doesn’t stand down, it can last for weeks, months, or even years. This is called “inflammaging.” Chronic overreaction of the immune system is hard on tissues and organs. In effect, the immune system is misreading cues and behaving as if there’s an ongoing 10-alarm fire. Under this state of siege, organs become unable to do their jobs effectively or to repair themselves well.

The potential for such immune malfunction begins around age fifty and increases sharply at age sixty and above. It may be the reason the occurrence of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and dementia increases significantly after age sixty-five. They are malfunctions of different body systems—the heart, the pancreas, the brain—but inflammaging is what opens the door. In the worst case, the body starts attacking itself—creating what’s called an “autoimmune condition”—or starts growing cancer cells. 

Not all inflammation is bad, of course. Constant dosing of antiinflammatory drugs, for instance, is not the answer. We need the inflammatory response to address an acute infection or injury. It’s simply that you want the right amount of inflammation for the appropriate amount of time.

In subsequent articles we will talk about ways to detect chronic inflammation and what can be done to reduce it (in your loved one and for yourself!).

Might “inflammaging” be a factor with your relative?

As the San Francisco experts in family caregiving, we at Compassionate Community Care support you in exploring ways to address underlying factors in your relative’s condition. We also support you in extending wellness for yourself. You are not immune to this! Chronic inflammation and stress go hand in hand. Let us help you find resources to reduce stress and inflammation, for both of you. Give us a call at (415) 921-5038.

Before you suggest assisted living

“On your mark! Get set! Wait!” That is the experience, and in fact the best strategy, when hoping to persuade an older relative to move to assisted living.

You may feel sure your mom or dad needs extra help. But they may not agree. This is a common dilemma. For instance, you may have noticed your loved one 

  • seems tired of cooking and is eating less and less
  • forgets to take medications
  • is unsteady when walking or has bruises that may indicate a fall
  • is having difficulty with dressing 
  • rarely leaves the house and has little social contact

Unless there is a serious safety risk, don’t push for a move. If your relative is resistant, pushing will likely backfire. Instead, “get set” by doing your homework on your own beforehand so you are ready when things change (and they usually do). 

  • Figure out the finances. Medicare and Medicaid do not cover assisted living. Learn about your relative’s income and assets. What could be afforded monthly for rent, food and care? Do they have long-term care insurance? Does your loved one qualify for veterans’ assistance? 
  • Consider needs and preferences. If you had to guess, would your relative like an active, urban setting or a quieter environment? Are there particular hobbies or pastimes of interest? Do they need special assistance with diet, medications, or going to the bathroom? 
  • Look at facilities. Are there facilities in dad’s current neighborhood? Any close to you or another family member? Any that his friends live in already? Create a list of facilities that you can visit first on your own. Narrow the options down to a short list of ones that deserve serious consideration once your loved one is ready to consider this option.

You might also consider hiring a Care Manager to save you time. These professionals know the pros and cons of all the local facilities. Unlike “free” referral services that receive payments from the facility, Care Managers have no potential for conflict of interest. Their recommendations are based on a genuine belief that a particular facility is the best fit for your family.

Is assisted living on the horizon?

As the San Francisco experts in family caregiving, we at Compassionate Community Care have seen many well-meaning family members push for move only to have it backfire. If you would like help determining the best ways to keep your loved one safe, give us a call at (415) 921-5038. Let’s start the conversation.

Choosing a support group

Are you feeling isolated, alone, frustrated, anxious, or just plain sad as you care for your loved one? 

Meeting with others who are also facing caregiving challenges can be very helpful. You can share anything, from coping with the emotional demands of your role to handling difficult behaviors. Rather than judgment, you’ll find affirmation in a family caregiver support group. Plus, everything said is kept confidential. 

Even if you are shy about talking in a group, just listening may bring a boost. You will learn that you are not alone and might even discover new approaches and coping strategies!

Here are some questions to ponder as you consider various groups:

  • Do you want to be with people who are all dealing with the same condition? There are groups for cancer caregivers, for instance, or Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, or other diseases.
  • Do you want to be with people in the same life circumstances? For instance, the Well Spouse Association has support groups for people taking care of a life partner. And there are groups just for adult children caring for parents. Or for people who still have children at home.
  • Do you want to meet in person or online? By video conferencing? Telephone? In-person meetings are heartwarming but may not be convenient. Many groups choose to meet online. Some involve posting text or updates and members reply as they have time. Others use video conferencing and meet on an appointed day. Some groups use a telephone format.
  • Do you want an educational focus or a more spontaneous agenda? Some groups have a theme for each meeting. Perhaps there’s a professional coming to talk about dementia strategies. Or someone coming to share information about adult day centers. Other groups follow a more conventional support format where people check in to share their concerns and challenges and get feedback/support from others.

Most groups are free and open to the public. For some, you may need to join the sponsoring organization. Fees are usually low. Even if a group is hosted by a faith community or medical center, don’t assume you have to be members to attend. Contact them to find out.

Looking for a support group?
As the San Francisco experts in family caregiving, we at Compassionate Community Care regularly witness the benefits of caregiving support groups. Let us help you find one. Give us a call at (415) 921-5038.

Serving as a special needs trustee

A “special needs trust” (SNT) is typically created to provide financial support for a disabled individual. Aging parents of a person with Down syndrome might create an SNT to provide for their child’s needs after they have died. 

The SNT trustee must manage the endowment to benefit the person with special needs over time. The trustee can be a family member or a professional attorney or trust officer. Often a savvy professional is hired even if a family member is a trustee. The professional provides investment guidance and ensures that funds released by the trust don’t jeopardize eligibility for public benefits (for example, money released for education might cause them to lose their Medicaid coverage).

The responsibilities of an SNT trustee include:

  • Releasing funds based on the allowable expenses outlined in the trust
  • Investing funds wisely
  • Maintaining records for full transparency
  • Filing state and federal income taxes
  • Making decisions always based on the wishes and best interest of the beneficiary
  • Communicating regularly with the beneficiary

While it is an honor to be chosen, if you are asked to be the trustee for a family member, talk with an SNT attorney and ask yourself:

  • Do you know your relative well enough to make decisions for them?
  • Do you understand investments and public benefit programs? 
  • Is there a provision for hiring professionals such as an attorney, a Care Manager or financial advisor?
  • How will this affect your personal relationship with your relative? You may have to regularly say “no” to their requests. 
  • How long is your commitment (for your relative’s remaining life)? 
  • Will you be paid? 

Do you have a relative with a special needs trust?

As the San Francisco experts in family caregiving, we at Compassionate Community Care understand the pull to help in any way that you can. Being a trustee is an immense responsibility and is not recommended unless you have professional assistance for the many mandated tasks. You don’t have to do this alone. Give us a call at (415) 921-5038.

Chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects one out of seven Americans. It is among the top ten causes of death in the United States. At first, its symptoms are very subtle and it progresses slowly, getting worse over decades. People often don’t know they have CKD. By the time significant symptoms emerge, the kidneys have been greatly damaged. At this point, CKD cannot be reversed. If caught early, however, there are ways to slow its progression.

Who is at risk for CKD? A number of very common conditions can bring it on. These include diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, smoking, and obesity. Also, if your loved one has relatives who have (or had) CKD, there is a greater chance of their getting it. And people of African American descent are four times more likely to get it than are Caucasian Americans. People of Asian, Hispanic, and Native American descent are also at greater risk. If any of these apply to your relative, ask the doctor to do a yearly kidney screening. This is primarily a urine test and blood test. If they find evidence that the kidneys are having trouble, ask for a referral to a nephrologist (kidney specialist) who can order more in-depth tests.

What are the symptoms? The early signs are very general and easy to discount: Fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, and general malaise. More-specific symptoms are foamy urine, breath that smells of ammonia, and kidney pain. 

Treatments. If caught early enough, CKD progression can be slowed with a low-salt and low-protein diet, along with a variety of medications. Keeping blood pressure low and blood sugars in the recommended range will help. Also staying active, losing weight, and stopping smoking. It’s important to work with a dietitian and a nephrologist to learn which treatments make the most sense for your loved one.

Is chronic kidney disease a possibility?

This little-known condition is surprisingly common. As the San Francisco experts in family caregiving, we at Compassionate Community Care can direct you to a specialist to get help. You want to address CKD early to forestall kidney failure and dialysis. Give us a call at (415) 921-5038.

Insomnia in older adults

Older adults need about seven hours of sleep at night. But they often have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. They frequently wake up early and are not able to go back to sleep. This is due in part to normal changes of aging. We just don’t spend as much time in the deep phases of sleep. 

But for many older adults—as many as 50 percent—sleep difficulty becomes chronic. It creates emotional distress and fatigue, making it difficult to function well during the day. Moreover, ongoing insomnia has been shown to contribute to depression, anxiety, and dementia. Also, to a greater risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, and diabetes. 

Other signs of insomnia include

  • daytime sleepiness and fatigue that gets in the way of normal activities
  • difficulty concentrating or remembering things 
  • increased irritability or moodiness
  • more-frequent mistakes or accidents

Bring any such symptoms to the doctor’s attention. Beyond insomnia, they may be related to an underlying health issue, such as

  • sleep apnea (halted breathing during sleep)
  • restless leg syndrome (leg movements during sleep)

Many sleep problems in older adults can be related to a chronic condition, such as diabetes, chronic pain, dementia, or depression. Medications can also be at the root of older adult insomnia.

Ideally, provide the doctor at least a week’s worth of notes about your relative’s daytime and nighttime sleep habits. Also bring information about health and current medications (both prescribed and over the counter). Sometimes an overnight sleep study is needed to determine the cause of the insomnia and pinpoint the most appropriate treatment.

Depending on the cause, the doctor may suggest your relative change sleep-related routines. They may also suggest cognitive behavioral therapy. This will teach your loved one to recognize and interrupt the thoughts that contribute to insomnia. Medications may be prescribed. But these are problematic for older adults. They can increase the risk of falls. They can also pose conflicts with other medications and even become addictive.

Is insomnia an issue for your relative?

As the San Francisco experts in family caregiving, we at Compassionate Community Care hear a lot about insomnia from clients and the way it affects quality of life. Treating the condition can be challenging. You don’t have to go through this alone. Give us a call at (415) 921-5038.